Grab Minds

       Grab Minds Inc. offers a range of training courses covering Oracle BI, EPM and data integration technologies, and applications development. The courses are designed to cover a gamut of learning paths - from introductory courses teaching product basics for novice learners to advanced courses that guide practioners through the nuances of a comprehensive implementation. Our training equips you to deliver effective Oracle BI solutions.

       Our courses are based on years of implementation experience and taught by both expert technical trainers and hands-on business management consultants, whom are grounded in real-world issues -covering every subject in-depth. Our course materials cover Oracle's recommended best practices coupled with our breadth of consulting experiences.

       We also deliver organization-oriented trainings for which we custom prepare course content to meet a customer's particular requirements. Course curriculum and prices for organization-oriented trainings are dependant on location and number of attendees.

       These custom courses are delivered by consultants who own the deep product knowledge and expertise in software Education & Training methods. Hence, we support our customers with a one-stop solution for all end-user training by including instructors, technology-based training tools, job aids, and customized training manuals.

Training Schedule:

Schedules will be coming soon

Registration Form

Firstname * :
Lastname * :
Email * :
Phone * :
Country * : United States
I am interested in * :
Advanced J2EE
Data Warehouse / Business Inteeligence Life cycle
Business Intelligence Reporting Analyst
How did you hear about us? :
ODI 11g
Voice Broadcasting
If Other :
Please leave us a question or comment * :